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Thursday, May 7, 2009


My dad and I went to see "Wolverine". It was sweet and it was full of action. My favorite character is Sabertooth because he is super fast and he is half brothers with Wolverine.

You should see the movie.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Farm Animals

My Mom and I went to Steeplebush Farm with some homeschoolers. We saw one llama, two dogs, three ducks, four sheep, and five or six lambs. I learned that llamas are used like sheep dogs. I also found out that llamas never forget things.

It was a fun field trip! I want to go there again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Audubon society

My friends, mom and I went to Audubon society to look for frogs, tadpoles and small fish. It was so much fun and awesome. We saw a turkey, ground hog, gray and red squirrels. This was an excellent field trip. We learned so much.