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Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Mom, Dad and I went to a seal release on Easter. The seal's name was Harvey. He was cute and fast. Then we went to the movies and saw "Knowing". It was a good, sad and scary movie.
The movie was about a girl writing down numbers and putting it into a time capsule that is put into the ground for fifty years. When the time capsule is opened, a boy gets the girl's note full of numbers. His dad, played by Nicolas Cage, uncovers the secret to all the numbers. That's all I'm going to say.


bibliowarrior said...

The seal release sounded neat. You've done that before, right?

The movie sounds too creepy for me. Were there any warm, fuzzy bunnies in it?

Your library friend, Sally

Burtt Boy said...

Yes, the seal release was really awesome and that was our second one.
The movie was creepy. Yes there were two fuzzy bunnies in the movie.
your friend~