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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not Funny... No Joke

My mom told me a joke. It was not funny. It went like this: "Knock. Knock." "Who's there?" I asked. Mom said, "Boo!" and I asked, "Boo who?" She said, "Don't cry! It's only a joke!" Lame, right?!
What's the lamest joke you've ever heard?

1 comment:

bibliowarrior said...

I can just picture your mom doubling over with laughter when she saw your face after she told you the punch line... now THAT must have been funny.
I had a Latin teacher in high school who used to tell us Latin puns. Puns are a play on words. Puns are often really lame (although Latin puns are especially lame). Here are a few puns I found on the internet...

The police caught a burglar last night after he broke into a bathroom window, stood on a set of scales and gave himself a weigh.
(...gave himself away, get it?)

Ever since my friend had all the digits amputated from his feet, I find him very annoying.
I think I might be lack-toes intolerant.

or one you and your dad might like...

The price of chess pieces was going up. I had to buy quickly, so I decided to contact my pawn broker.
