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Monday, September 13, 2010

Zombies, Skeletons, and Lizard Men... Oh My!

My friends and I went to the Dungeon Master's house at two on a Sunday.We played more D&D. But there was some disagreement between one of the members and the Dungeon Master. So we didn't play until about three o'clock. When we started playing we killed some undead: about twelve skeletons and two zombies. In the next room we found a water fountain. The DM drank the water which was poisoned so he lost half his health points and some potions. Next we discovered four chests and three sleeping lizard men. As a group we bartered with the lizard men. We gave them one thing from three chests for the location of the quest item and for their help. The first chest had a shield, the second had a spear, and the third had a pair of cups and a fishing net. The last one had six hundred gold pieces that we shared amongst ourselves. The lizard men took the shield, spear, and a cup.
Then it was to go home. Until next Sunday...

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