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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sparks Ark

Yesterday my mom, friends and I went to the Falmouth Public Library to see Sparks Ark to learn about animals. David Sparks brought in a saw whet owl, a great horned owl , an opossum, a baby mallard duck, a mini goat, a boa constrictor, and a flying squirrel. He also brought in some dead dried up  brown bats.
My favorite animal was the great horned owl. They look smart. What is your favorite animal?


Jackson Rose said...

Austin, It's been a long while since I checked out your blogs here, but I could not help but notice this one blog in particular....

My favorite animal is definitely a bird, too - though choosing one bird is difficult. There are so many pretty and interesting ones. I would probably have to say a Green Heron because they are secretive and shy but so very beautiful and distinct-looking. They are somewhat common, but not to the point where you see them all the time.

That's cool that you got to see a GH Owl - as luck would have it, a couple of bird people & I got to see two young GH owls in May - they were in their nest and almost ready to leave - their 'horns' were nearing full development. The nest itself was HUGE!

Hope you are enjoying the summer.

Aunt Deb.

Burtt Boy said...

What a hoot!
Yeah, had a great summer. Thanks!