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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Haven Adventures

My five fellow adventurers and I arrived in a town called Winter Haven. There, we found a Paladin, a holy fighter, who looked like Morgan Freeman. He wanted us to protect him while he purified an altar that was infested with orcs. We accepted and set off to the castle.

As we neared the castle, two orcs bombarded us with arrows from above. In the courtyard, we saw an ogre on the opposite side of the portcullis. An orc pulled on a lever that opened the portcullis, allowing two of the orcs and the ogre to attack us. As we fought these three foes, our stealthy rogue crept to the other side of the gate. She attacked the one standing by the lever. The orc got scared and pulled the lever again. This caused the portcullis to fall on his comrades, stabbing them to death with the pointy spikes. Our rogue operated the lever and let us in.

Tune in next week as we countinue our quest to the corrupted altar that needs purifying.

This is Thor Zeller signing off.

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