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Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have a cat named Tiger. He likes to play fetch. We throw a super ball and he brings it back. Tiger likes to sleep in the warm sun and eat and eat and eat. Sometimes when he gets scared (like when we have to take him to the vet) he smells like a skunk. He also growls like a dog when people come to our door. He is a fat, happy cat. We got Tiger when he was a kitten. He has been my pet for about four years.


bibliowarrior said...

We have a cat named Moxie. We named him that because my husband likes to drink the soda called Moxie (which tastes yucky, by the way). He is black and is a very silly cat. He likes to play peek-a-boo with me sometimes, and he really loves it if you put a blanket over him. You can hear him purr really loudly. He also likes to eat salty things like chips, which I think is very silly.

We used to have another black cat before Moxie. His name was Black Cat. My husband named him. I think that is a very silly name for a cat. I'm glad we gave this new cat a name that wasn't based on his color.

I like your cat's picture. He looks very nice.
-Sally the librarian

Burtt Boy said...

Looks can be deceiving. He's actually a vicious, mean cat. NOT! He's a cool cat.
We had a cat before him as well. She was like Black Cat. The only difference is she had a white spot on her chest. The cat's name was Sabrina Jill Black. Her middle name was her first name when we got her from the shelter. We wanted to change her name to be more magical, but I didn't want her first name to disappear.
your friend~

Cast A Keara said...

My family just got 3 2-week old kittens and a mom cat for fostering until they are ready to be adopted. The are really cute!

I like your blog. It's the first one I've ever read!

Cast A Keara

Burtt Boy said...

Well, thanks!
I'd really like to adopt one of those kittens. They sound wicked cute. Are they girls or boys?
your friend,
Cast A - Burtt boy

Mrs. W said...

"Burtt Boy",
You know how kittens ears are flat on their head when their born?
Well, now their ears are perking up. They ARE wicked cute.Maybe my mom can sneek one in to show you?
Or I can take pictures of them and send them to you?
See you Saturday!
-Cast A Keara